In the event that you live with an undeniable degree of incapacity, it tends to be truly hard to track down a standard home that enough meets the entirety of your help needs. This absence of reasonable lodging can have a stream on impact, affecting your capacity to deal with yourself, move around your home and perform day by day assignments. It can likewise make it hard for you to get out locally and participate in exercises that you appreciate. Then again, fitting lodging can have a significantly sure effect on individuals' lives, empowering them to live easily and appreciate life without limit. To give this chance to all Australians living with a handicap, the NDIS offers financing to qualified members for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Supported Independent Living (SIL).

How can we help you?

We will help you with Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Supported Independent Living (SIL). Our Role will be:

An SDA Provider:

Will care for the actual house – as in the actual construction, like a landowner or property the board office. SDA is by and large possibly utilized when somebody has high necessities or “outrageous useful debilitation”. It’s intended to ensure that individuals don’t need to pay more for their homes due to their incapacity. It’s essential to take note that lone a little level of NDIS members will get SDA financing in their arrangement.

A SIL Provider:

Will deal with the actual backings. Basically, this implies that a SIL supplier will supply the specialists to help individuals in the house with day by day living assignments. By and large, this is totally finished with an emphasis on building up your abilities so you can live as autonomously as could be expected.

To know more about our SDA & SIL program, Please Contact us.

OR give us call on 02 8580 0118||0425 304 932 .